PN 23-27 29N/2023 Innovative, functionalized materials, with applicability in medicine, environmental protection and green energy – INOMAT
Program Director: PhD. Eng. Ionel BALCU
PN 23 27 01 01 Quantum electrochemistry with carbon without a carbon footprint (“CLICK-C0C”)
Project manager: PhD. habil. Mihai V. PUTZ
PN 23 27 01 02 Rare earth ion-doped Zn3Nb2O8 nanomaterials with luminescence properties and corrosion inhibition properties of carbon steels
Project manager: PhD. Mihaela BIRDEANU
PN 23 27 01 03 Advanced functionalized materials for photovoltaic tiles based on dye-sensitized solar cells - MATDSSC
Project manager: PhD. Marinela MICLĂU
PN 23 27 01 04 Organic-inorganic hybrid materials: a new approach for bifunctional catalysts with advanced performances in the electrochemical decomposition of water
Project manager: PhD. Paula SFÎRLOAGĂ
PN 23 27 02 01 Innovative calcium-based eco-materials for transformative water treatment technologies
Project manager: PhD. Alexandra BUCUR
PN 23 27 03 01 Electrochemical, enantioselective, innovative platforms for rapid and early diagnosis of cancer
Project manager: PhD. Raluca VAN STADEN